I’m currently a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the Classical and Liberal Education in the Core Department at Flagler College, where I explore intersections between philosophy, education, and critical thinking. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine, in 2022, specializing in social and applied epistemology. My research focuses on the epistemic frameworks of 20th-century philosophers, particularly Quine and Wittgenstein, and seeks to align their holistic theories with empirical accounts of bias.
In February, I’ll join the Philosophy of Open Science research group at the Technical University of Munich as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Social Sciences and Technology. This European Research Council-funded initiative will allow me to delve into fair and equitable research practices across diverse scientific communities.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me outside with my dog, Kora, attempting to keep my garden thriving or a watchful eye on Kora’s playful encounters with our bunny. Living in St. Augustine has even allowed me to raise a few backyard chickens!
In October 2024, I legally changed my name to Rena Beatrice Alcalay. I kindly request that my full name be used when referencing my written work. Where my previous name, “Rena Goldstein,” may have appeared, please now refer to me as “Rena Alcalay.”